Monday, March 30, 2009

March Projects

Here are some of the things I've been working on around the house for the month of March.

*Cornice Board (love how it turned out & it was soooo easy, I'll be doing more of these in the future.=))
*Wall ledges painted w/ family pictures of great memories (a little more expensive than I was hoping for...but well worth it as everytime I pass the pictures I smile)
*Homemade & inspired seashell artwork (besides the sepia ink from my printer, this project was free...I already had these frames sitting around my house)
*Homemade Beach Signs (thanks to the use of my cricut expression)
*Newly painted Craig's List chandelier. (Unfortunately I don't have a "before" pic, but it was dark bronze colored w/ no shades)
*New curtains (I didn't sew these or anything, I just used them in an unusual place; I was inspired to hide all of Sadie's junk in her closet, but her closet doors kept breaking off of the track, so this was my new solution. I love it!)

NOTE: The pictures are not in order with my list.* I still can't seem to ever get them to upload in the order I want. Gggrrr... Oh, well!


Tarah said...

Great all turned out fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

What fun projects!! I have a few in progress right now and a couple more waiting for the right moment. I need to just get productive!! You are just the right inspiration!